Celebrate Your Creative Self

Celebrate Your Creative Self through the Joy of Art This is one of my videos for the new Celebrate your Creative Self through the Joy of Art workshops and classes for women that I am launching. More to come in Mixed Media, Fiberart, Expressive Painting,  Joy of Art and Soul, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Collage, Creative Crafts and Stamping, Funky Jewelry Making, Fused Glass, Polymer Clay,Visual Journaling, Altered Books, Intuitive Painting and so much much more. I will also offer Creative Retreats and  Creative Gatherings this summer. Stay tuned...... join in on the creative connection and celebration.


Sonja Milojevic said…
Hi Joy! I am awarding you Liebster Blog Award! It was awarded to me, and it's supposed to be passed forward, so go to my blog, pick it up, and give it to other bloggers that inspire you. xoxo!
Sonja Milojevic said…
I wish I could come to one of your classes! That would be wonderful!

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