Marry Your Muse

As an artist, I am always experimenting with techniques, media and exploring the creative process. I believe that the mostColor  exciting part of being an artist is the process of                                         Abstrackcreating. I believe creativity is like magic. I open myself to the possibilities of the unknown and allow my imagination, my intuition and creativity to marry. That is when the magic happens. I believe it is when I trust my own creative process, that I will experience th

Dear Muse release my inhibition to the Creative Fire. May I be a clear and flowing channel of powerful works of art. May I never be afraid to ask "what if ? " and take a step into the unknown... jump into the void ... Create the abandon...

As an artist, I am always experimenting with techniques, media and exploring the creative process. I believe that the most exciting part of being an artist is the process of creating. I believe creativity is like magic. I open myself to the possibilities of the unknown and allow my imagination, my intuition and creativity to marry. That is when the magic happens. I believe it is when I trust my own creative process, that I will experience that magic and again....





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