Creativty is a Journey

Creativity is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the your comfort zone and fearlessly jump into the unknown , listen to the calling of your muse and follow Her voice  What you’ll discover will be wonderful! What you’ll discover is yourself! I always try to remember this wisdom when I prepare for a new class or workshop,  trying out a new technique or beginning  a new project. And when I am learning something new I also try to remind myself that experts are not born, they are made. I also believe that we all start from the beginning each time we create.. That at one time they too were beginners, filled with self doubt, left wondering if they would ever learn whatever task it was they set out to learn. If I have a passion to truly learn something then I have to also learn to set aside my need for instant gratification and experience some discomfort in order to come out on the other side. And boy can that be difficult because our own self critic is a darn hard taskmaster. So as you start this new year, if you are on a journey to discover the creativity that resides within, be nice to yourself, give yourself the gift of the time necessary to make that discovery. lock up that critic. Creativity is an amazing, exciting journey if you just take that one step. One step is after all the beginning of a journey and each stone makes up a mountain, each drop of water an ocean. Jump into the unknown and you will find your creative wings.

Artfully Yours,



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