
Showing posts from 2009

Image altering in the Artistic Creative group


Artistic Creativity Group‏

Sharon demonstrates to the group how to do creative image altering with ordinary materials. We found interesting images from National Geographic , Fashion and American Heritage and used Citrasol, a natural cleaning fluid, to rub out the negative space around the images. It was a wonderful method for creating a surface to begin a unique piece of art. Next week she demonstrate how to use bees wax to cover the images and give a transparent effect. We will finish the artwork in with other media for color and stain and talk about our creative process...

Joy's Creative Space: Joy's photos

Come Spring and the Celebration of the Flowers

She is the Lady of Spring and She wears vibrant colors... The earth bows to her as She celebrates the season of the flowers. Butterflies dance and the song of bird sings the glory of her coming...

The Song I Sing

Thank you for the song of bird, the blue of sky, the color of flowers as they wear their gowns with vibrant red pink and magenta. In this season of flowers may I celebrate the newness of spring with joyfulness and a full heart as the birds sing out a celebration of spring’s beauty. May I also give thanks. I honor springs beauty and life as the buds on the trees turn toward the sun. Let me also turn my face to you o God Mother and Father of all life. As You give us spring and the beauty of flowers and the newness of all life. I bow in humble awe. The brilliant colors of my blossoms are growing now soon to be fruit. The color vibrant as it is now soon will fade. Life is temporary. Life in its transitory beauty. Beauty is all around me in this present moment. Life renewed. Life is beautiful and transitory. All I have is this moment

Inner Garden

I live in the consciousness home of my thoughts and feelings and therefore what I experience in my reality. Here is where I contemplate my ideas and where creative visions are born. Here is where the beginning seeds grow into the new flowers of my possibilities. Here is where my imagination takes flight. I honor this house because it is the temple of all thought and what ever I take in effects the environment of my reality. Therefore I think only good, positive, life enriching, and loving thoughts. I give vision to only those things that I want to see created. I give energy to all thoughts that are beautiful and life supporting. I let go and banish those thoughts that give no life, no energy and do not belong in the temple of my consciousness. I tend to the weeds of negativity so that my garden may grow and bring forth the flowers of my tomorrow

Lady of Spring Invoking the FLowers

She comes with her magic to cast her sweet spell upon the earth and hush the winter winds. She invokes the newness of blossoms and calls forth the colors of the season of flowers trailing seeds in her gown....

Ode to Spring

Ode to Spring and the blossom of flower. We are like tiny seeds ready to lift ourselves from the deepness of the earth and reach for the sun. And even as blossoms lose their beauty soon wilt and are only a memory, we too shall pass and be no more than a memory but so sweet the memory of our blossom..

Sleep Perchance to Dream

Death is but a deep sleep upon which when we awake we find that this life was only a dream....

Come Spring

This was a painting that I did after Mom died. I did the little watercolor in a journal that I made in memory of her and also to remind me that even after death, there is life and the coming of spring..

Dream Stories

A dream is our own personal myth, a virtual series that plays each night. We are the actresses and directors. We are the characters that we watch and also the watcher. And so it is with our life. It too is a virtual series that we are acting out and watching....

Mother and Child

She is Mother and She holds us in Her loving arms and hopes that we are safe as she speaks softly.. Do we hear Her or go our own way? The earth is Her child and we are Earth's children, daughter's of Eve.
We are ageless and we have lived We are ageless and have lived We are ageless and have lived We are ageless and have lived We have been born once again.....

Higher Vsion

May I always see with a new vision. May I walk with an inner knowing. May I seek the path of right living. May I be silent with my meditating self. May I live in the light of illumination. May I hear and listen to my inner teacher. May I speak with the words of the heart. May I do the Highest Work in all that is mine to do. May I love with the fullness of a cup that overflows. May I be a sister of the Golden Light . May I always see a new vision....
Title- We are One Hand (Originally called Last Marks of Mankind) Concepts- The idea that we are all uniquely different and the same connected by our own humanity. We all have hands but are individual creations of the Divine Creator. It also reminded me of the hand prints created by ancient artists who imprinted their hands on the wall of the cave. I found myself wondering why they felt moved to do that and in some way I was doing the same except on a canvas. The cave walls were their canvas and they were the first artists. The idea of the painting actually came from a process that I did with my women’s group. We had been working with a book Women Who Run with the Wolves and finishing up with the last chapter. I am the facilitator of the art and the theme in the chapter was hands. I was inspired one morning when meditating. I saw a hand. I often receive my ideas during my meditations and receive imagery. At first I was going to have the women do a cast from their hands or even use a glo...

And the Light Shall Shine

My Hands

I am Your Hands I speak….. I have been… I have touched… I have felt…. I want… I reach out to…. I have held…. I do…. I am your hands......

The Dance to Moon

On Moonlight Let my heart reflect the Light As the Moon reflects the sun. Hazrat Inyat Khan Nature Meditations

Women Dancing to the Moon


Women of the Hut

Women of the Hut- For eons, women gathered in the women’s hut as their bodies‘ cycles met and matched the cycles of the moon. “ O sisters, let us remember the rhythms of our mother and our mother’s mother… Let us remember how to hold the spaces for each other-the rhythms of giving and taking - the rhythms of life.”
There is a part of me that is the Knower of all things and when I am ready to remember, Wisdom is there waiting to be tapped into. In this season of preparation, of challenging old beliefs that bind me to the past, there is a calling in me to live the Wisdom, which is deep within. It is that Wisdom, which leads me to the place that I need to be and calls me to climb the next mountain: to spread my wings: to forge the unknown landscapes. It is that Wisdom which tells me to listen to my own being and hear the voice of authenticity, to act according to my own truth. It is that Wisdom, which says that life is a journey and that I am being brought forth on that journey to find what is Truth: to seek love and peace on my Life Path. It is that wonderful Wisdom that gives me the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and a new vision to live. I listen to my inner Wisdom as it speaks and I heed Her calling which whispers and tells me to prepare for something new: brings me a new vision, new hope, and a...

Joy's Blooming Tree

Painting of a tree created in root chakra meditation and spirituality group.


I praise the Divine in all that is and I celebrate It in all that I am, in all that I do

Morning Ritual to the Goddess

Most of us these days find ourselves less than fully alive and out of balance. We can feel our dis-ease but don't know the solution to it. If we knew how to make ourselves well, we would almost certainly do so. The great gift of the Goddess is such a healing. To the individual, She brings personal well being and an experience of fully living. To humanity, She could bring the harmony that comes with the recognition that we are all connected in spirit, to this planet. We depend upon it for survival and we owe it the gift of life. Vicki Noble Motherpeace.

Ancient Souls

The earth long my home through the dark of winter, has yielded to the morning breath of air. The Plan now urges me to out breathe, to expand to meet my destiny. Why am I here? For what have I returned? The voice speaks in a sound so softly Remember .....