
Showing posts from January, 2018

Rise Above Book Club with Joy Hellman

Hi! I want to invite you to join my NEW Rise Above Book Club! It’s time to get your WINGS!!!  I am hosting a free + casual gathering to introduce you to Whitney Freya’s new book Rise Above and to the upcoming experience that will be MY OWN Rise Above Book Club!  Join me on February 7 th   7-9  to learn more.  We will be gathering at Joy of Art Studio   for a fun evening of creative possibility.  I purchased Whitney’s book Rise Above, Free Your Mind One Brush Stroke at a Time  recently and I LOVE it!  In the book she teaches PRACTICAL steps we can each take to RISE ABOVE and make our day-to-day life more enjoyable and more in FLOW.  She also provides really interesting insight into working with symbols and animal totems—I can’t wait for us to explore this together. AND there are painting exercises, step-by-step instruction and her own personal stories that are really interesting.  I...