My Wish for 2012

My wish for this year is to hear the inner Wisdom that speaks to me in the gentle silence of my self, to slow down long enough to "see the vision of good and hear what She is saying to me. To "know the sacred in every moment and to "be"in the center where all things rest in her arms. There is a part of me that is the Knower of all things and when I am ready to remember, Wisdom is there waiting to be tapped into. In this season of preparation, of challenging old beliefs that bind me to the past, there is a calling in me to live the Wisdom, which is deep within. It is that Wisdom, which leads me to the place that I need to be and calls me to climb the next mountain: to spread my wings: to forge the unknown landscapes. It is that Wisdom which tells me to listen to my own being and hear the voice of authenticity, to act according to my own truth. It is that Wisdom, which says that life is a journey and that I am being brought forth on that journey to find ...